Readers Report
God I love this page. It's wonderful to know so many people all over love Brooklyn as much as I. MY BROOKLYN: born in Coney Island, 1949, West 2 St. one block from Lincoln H.S. I also remember all the old street games. My personal favorite was playing A my name is Alice. Does anyone remember Mendel's grocery corner W. 2 & Neptune Ave., Plout's hardware, Bernie's candy store , Minnie's candy store, Patsey the butcher, Totoe's, G.I. Joe's all on Neptune Ave. before Warbass $ Trump had that great part of Coney Island condemned and torn down. Wish I could get pictures of that area as I have six grown children and can't show them any early memory places. I never left Brooklyn—now live in Gerritsen Beach, another great place. Would love to hear from, to name just a few families, the Salvias (Mike's Bar), Coopers, Ginsburgs, Uncangcos. PLEASE CONTINUE THIS PAGE. Thank you and God bless whoever does this page.
14 April 1999
Ralph's ice cream in the summer, schelzees, fist ball (with a pimple ball), hockey, football, stoop ball, Tops, carpet gun wars, hey Joe, get the monkey wrench and open the johnny pump. Fernando's potato specials, Sacred Heart school, Manhattan specials (God I loved those), cammararies (sp) or mazzolas for bread. Nino's pizza, P.S. 29, the 4th of July, Halloween. . . . Presently live in Cape May, NJ, have been around this country for years and haven't seen anything close. . . .
15 April 1999
I was born in the Cumberland Hospital in Ft. Greene, 1956. My Brooklyn begins at 196 Duffield St. Down the street is the Duffield movie theater, Fulton St. shopping area, RKO Albee, and a short drive or walk was the old Majestic movie house that my dad always loved to bring me to. So many beautiful memories of playing in the street while my mother watched from the window. Johnny-on-the-pony, kick-the-can, freeze tag, and so many more. We were a poor family living among the shadows of the big phone company building, Fulton St. shopping area, and the Flatbush extension. A lone Puerto Rican family in a neighborhood of African-Americans. We all played like one family. I wonder often how my childhood friends have been doing after the 29 years since we moved to the Bronx. Any one out there recognize my street? Give me a shout and let's rehash old times. By the way, beautiful web site!
15 April 1999