New York, cradle of tough guys and Nobel laureates, fourth largest
city in the United States, proof of the power of marginality, and
homeland of America's most creative diasporic culture. |
- Brooklyn Botanic
From 1010 President Street:
First, add an "s"
to the end of Garden like everyone else does; then cross the street
from one candy store corner to the other; walk the long block past
P.S. 241 and Clara
Barton High School; cross Washington Avenue; walk left for a bit
and turn right into this extraordinary place. |
- Prospect Park
From 1010
President Street:
You can get
there from here, but it's not terribly likely, since both terrors
and temptations stand in the adventurer's way. Go via Eastern Parkway,
and there's a candy store and two delicatessens on Franklin Avenue
to make it past; the Brooklyn
Museum, with its scatter of Egyptian sarcophagi perfect for
an afternoon of hide-and-seek; the side entrance to the Botanic
Gardens, with its offer of a second chance to choose it as your
destination; a playground on the prospect between the Gardens and
the Children's Library; then the main branch of the Brooklyn
Public Library; Grand Army Plaza; the ganglet-guardians demanding
fifteen cents' tribute on the long walk down Flatbush Avenue; and,
at last, the Zoo. |
Further on, if the day is long
and you're with friends, spurred on by their and your own rather
wan bravura—it has been a long journey, after all—you
might just reach the Carousel. Whatever money you once had in your
pockets has gone toward Good Humors, tribute, and peanuts for the
elephants, but you can always watch. No traveller from 1010 President
Street has been known to venture further into the Prospect woods
than the Carousel, though we've heard tales of secret paths, paddle
boats, sheep, and long meadows. |
- Who knows
how to make love stay?
Tell love you
are going to Junior's Deli on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn to pick
up a cheesecake, and if love stays, it can have half. It will stay."
Tom Mullaly offers additional advice, but none as tasty as the above. |
From 1010 President Street:
Ask your father to stop
the car on infrequent family forays down Flatbush Avenue toward
the Manhattan
Bridge and "the City." He won't: Junior's is for visitors
from the City, crossing your path in their quest to recapture their
own Brooklyns of old—no more retrievable at Junior's than,
in the end, on the Internet. Had they continued a bit further down
Flatbush Avenue, they might have come closer to what they'd been
longing for. |