Obsolete Street Names in the Eastern District.

Since the question of altering the names of many streets in this borough is to be taken up shortly, it may be of interest to review the change of street names that has taken place in the past in the Eastern District.

When Williamsburgh, Bushwick and Greenpoint were distinct settlements, each section had a series of numerical streets by itself, not considering those streets in Williamsburgh that are known as South First, etc., and North First, etc. The Williamsburgh series is well remembered by many of the present day residents of the district, as the change to "named streets" was made at a comparatively recent date; but the numbered streets of Bushwick and Greenpoint were altered at the time of the consolidation with Brooklyn in 1855.

From the attached list of street names altered for the greater part since that time, it will be noticed that these changes have been greater than is generally believed. The list may not be complete, nor free from error, but the compiler believes that it will give a fair idea how far-reaching these changes have been.

A Street is now Ash Street.

Adams Street, Bowronville, is now Melrose Street.

Adams Street, Greenpoint, from Front Street to Newtown Creek, between Jefferson and Jackson Sts.

Agate Street, Bushwick, is now Florence Place, formerly Jefferson Street.

Ann Street, Bowronville, is now Belvidere Street.

Ann Street, Greenpoint, from Commercial Street to Newtown Creek.

Ann Street, North Brooklyn, is now Cross Street.

B Street is now Box Street.

Banzett Street is now Debevoise Avenue.

Bay Street is now part of West Street.

Bedford Green was bounded by Franklin Avenue, Atlantic Avenue, Bedford Avenue and Fulton Avenue.

Bridge Street, later Bridge Avenue, is now Paidge Avenue.

Broadway was the name given to Division Avenue in its entire length before consolidation and in general use for some years.

Browne Street is now North First Street.

Brooklyn and Newtown Turnpike Road was replaced by Flushing Avenue.

Burr Place, from 18 Noll Street, is now closed.

Bushwick Avenue included Old Woodpoint Road from North Second Street to Withers Street in the '50's.

Bushwick Avenue, part of it became Old Bushwick Avenue, now Bushwick Place.

Bushwick Bridge, Franklin Street, Greenpoint.

Bushwick Boulevard was the name proposed for the road taking in Bushwick Avenue and other Streets.

Bushwick Road, also known as Old Bushwick Road. (See Old Bushwick Road.)

Bushwick Street--lower part of present Metropolitan Avenue, near the shore; was later called Woodhull Street, then North Second Street.

C Street is now Clay Street.

Calvary Road, or Calyer Road is now part of Calyer Street.

Center Street is now part of Melrose Street.

Charles Place, Bowronville, was near Myrtle Street.

Charles Place, later Yates Place, now Sumner Place.

Charles Street, later First Street, now Kent Avenue.

Chestnut Street is now part of DeKalb Avenue.

Clay Street, from Front Street to Newtown Creek.

Clifford Street is now Clifford Place.

Clinton Avenue or Street.

Clove Road, from Fulton Avenue, between Bedford Avenue and Nostrand Avenue, to Flatbush.

Colonade Row was on east side of Smith Street, between Richardson and Herbert Streets.

Conselyea Street, Bowronville, is now Stanhope Street.

Cripplebush and Mespat Road replaced by Flushing Avenue.

Cross-Roads--Cripplebush and Mespat Road and Bushwick Road.

Cypress Hills Macadamized Road, formerly Cypress Hills Plank Road.

Cypress Hills Plank Road is now part of Johnson Avenue and Cypress Avenue.

D Street is now Dupont Street.

DeKalb Place, Bowronville, is now part of DeKalb Avenue.

Dick Street, from Commercial Street to Newtown Creek, between Ann and Eve Streets.

Division Avenue is now, for the most part, covered by Broadway.

Division Street is now Division Place.

Driggs Street, formerly Fifth Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Driggs Avenue.

Dunham Street was lower part of Grand Street.

Duryea's Lane ran from Division Avenue to Buckwick Road, between Eldert and Covert Streets.

Duryea Street is now Weirfield Street.

E Street is now Eagle Street.

Eighth Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Marcy Avenue.

Eighth Street, Greenpoint, is now Jewel Street.

Eleventh Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Hooper Street.

Elizabeth Street, later Fairfax Street, now part of Chauncey Street.

Elm Street is now part of Hart Street.

Evergreen Avenue was originally the part of Bushwick Avenue above Madison Street.

Eve Street, from (old) Union Avenue to Newtown Creek, between Box and Commercial Streets.

F Street is now Freeman Street.

Fairfax Street, formerly Elizabeth Street, now part of Chauncey Street.

Ferry Street was near Washington Street.

Fifth Street, Williamsburgh, later Driggs Street, is now part of Driggs Avenue.

Fifth Street, Greenpoint, is now part of Oakland Street.

Fifth Street, Bushwick, later Van Cott, is now part of Driggs Avenue.

Fillmore Street was near Smith Street.

First Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Kent Avenue.

First Street, Greenpoint, is now part of Lorimer Street.

First Street, Bushwick, is now part of Calyer Street.

Fourth Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Bedford Avenue.

Fourth Street, Greenpoint, is now part of Eckford Street.

Fourth Street, Bushwick, later Nassau Street, now Nassau Avenue.

Franklin Block, Bushwick, was on Herbert Street.

Franklin Block, Greenpoint, was on Franklin Street, between Milton Street and Greenpoint Avenue.

Franklin Place was on south side of Powers Street, between Graham Avenue and Ewen Street.

Fresh Pond Lane was a narrow lane leading from tile southerly end of New Bushwick Lane to tile Fresh Ponds of Newtown, about present Moffatt Street.

Front Street, laid out on map under water.

Fulton Avenue is now part of Fulton Street.

Furman Street is now Furman Avenue.

G Street is now Green Street.

Greene Street is now part of Greene Avenue.

Guilford Street is now part of Olive Street.

Greenpoint Avenue, formerly L Street, then Greenpoint Avenue, then National Avenue, is now Greenpoint Avenue again.

Gwinnett Street is now part of Lorimer Street.

H Street is now Huron Street.

Hamburg Street, formerly Johnson Avenue, is now Hamburg Avenue.

Harrison Street is now Harrison Place.

Henry Street is now North Henry Street.

Hickory Street is now Lexington Avenue.

Homer Street, later Third Street, now Berry Street.

Hudson Avenue is now Kingston Avenue.

Hull Street, Bowronville, is now De Sales Place.

I Street is now India Street.

Irving Place was on the east side of Third Street, between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets.

Ivy Street is now part of Madison Street.

J Street is now Java Street.

Jackson Street, from Front Street to Newtown Creek, is now Charlick Street.

Jacob Street is now part of Putnam Avenue.

Jay Street, near Cross-Roads.

Jamaica Turnpike is now Metropolitan Avenue.

Jane Street is now covered by Greenpoint Park.

Jefferson Place was on east side of Seventh Street, between South Fifth and South Sixth Streets

Jefferson Street, Brooklyn, is now part of Jefferson Avenue.

Jefferson Street, Bushwick, later Spruce Street, then Agate Street, is now Florence Place.

Jefferson Street, Greenpoint, is now Vail Street.

John Street, later Vigelius Street, is now part of Jefferson Avenue.

Johnson Avenue, later Hamburg Street, is now Hamburg Avenue.

Johnson Square was bounded by Lee Avenue, Lynch Street, Bedford Avenue, Flushing Avenue and Gwinnett Street.

Johnson Street is now Johnson Avenue.

K Street is now Kent Street.

Kijkuit Lane connected Bushwick Church with the Kijkuit.

Kosciusko Place, or Avenue, is now part of Kosciusko Street.

L Street is now Greenpoint Avenue, and for a time was known as National Avenue.

Lafayette Place was on west side of South Fourth Street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets.

Lane to Norman's Kill branched off the Woodpoint Road, covered by part of Driggs Avenue.

Lawton Street is now Lawton and Cedar Streets.

Lefferts Park, bounded (on the map) by Tompkins, Throop and Gates Avenues and Quincy Uincy Street.

Leopold Place, formerly Covert Avenue, now Purdy Place.

Lewis Place was on north side of Second Street, between South Tenth and South Eleventh Streets.

Liberty Street, near D and F Streets.

Linden Place was on south side of Sandford Street, between Smith and Ewen Streets.

Linden Avenue is now Sharon Avenue.

Linden Street, Bushwick, is now part of Morgan Avenue.

Long Row was on Smith Street.

M Street is now Milton Street.

Madison Place was on east side of Oak Street, between Franklin and Washington Streets.

Madison Street is now Troutman Street.

Magnolia Street is now part of Gates Avenue.

Margareta Street is now part of Halsey Street.

Marshall Street is now Siegel Street.

Marshfield Row was on Division Avenue.

Masters' Bridge now Metropolitan Avenue Bridge.

Maxwell Street, later Second Street, Williamsburgh, now Wythe Avenue.

McWay Place was on south side of Fifth Street, between North Eighth and North Ninth Streets.

Meserole Street, Greenpoint, is now Meserole Avenue.

Metropolitan Avenue was originally from Bushwick Avenue to Newtown Creek.

Mill Lane ran from Woodpoint Road to Luqueer's Mill.

Monroe Place was on South Fifth Street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets.

Monroe Street, Cross Roads, is now Montieth Street.

Morrell Street ran from Debevoise Street to Remsen Street.

Myrtle Avenue and Jamaica Plank Road is now part of Myrtle-Avenue.

Myrtle Street is now part of Willoughby Avenue.

N Street is now Noble Street.

Nassau Street, formerly Fourth Street, Bushwick, is now Nassau Avenue.

National Avenue, formerly L Street, then Greenpoint Avenue, is now Greenpoint Avenue again.

New Bushwick Lane ran from Bushwick village into the New Lotts of Bushwick.

New Bushwick Road was laid out in 1704 to connect the old Bushwick Road with the Kings Highway to Jamaica.

Newtown Bridge on (old) Union Avenue, same as present Vernon Avenue steel bridge.

Newtown Road or Turnpike, replaced by Flushing Avenue.

Newtown Road or Turnpike, or North Road, is now Meeker Avenue.

Ninth Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Rodney Street.

Ninth Street, Greenpoint, is now Moultrie Street.

Norman Street, formerly Third Street, Bushwick, then Union Street, now Norman Avenue.

North Road is now Meeker Avenue.

North Street is now Hope Street.

North Second Street, originally Bushwick Street, later Woodhull Street, ran from East River to Bushwick Avenue, is now part of Metropolitan Avenue.

0 Street is now Oak Street.

Old Bushwick Avenue is now Bushwick Place.

Old Bushwick Road led from Bushwick Green along present Bushwick Avenue, Bushwick Place, Bushwick Avenue, Madison Streeet [sic], Evergreen Avenue, Central Avenue to the Green Hills.

Old Mill Road ran from Bushwick Church to the Woodpoint Road in present Debevoise Avenue, between Bennett and Parker Streets.

Old Road, remnant of Woodpoint Road, is now Old Woodpoint Road.

Orchard Street is now part of Manhattan Avenue. P Street is now part of Calyer Street.

Paca Avenue is now Rockaway Avenue. Park Place is now Park Street.

Peck Slip was a name given to foot of Broadway around ferry to Peck Slip, New York City.

Pell Street is now Bell Street.

Pilling's Lane ran from Division Avenue to Bushwick Road.

Prospect Street is now Noll Street.

Q Street is now Quay Street.

Railroad Avenue is replaced by Atlantic Avenue.

Reed Avenue is now Reid Avenue.

Reed Road connected Hunterfly and Cripplebush Roads.

Reid Square bounded (on the map) by Stuyvesant Avenue, McDonough Street, Reed Avenue, Halsey Street.

Remsen Street is now Maujer Street.

River Street is now Wallabout Street.

Rockaway Path, or Pass, led from the Southerly end of New Bushwick Lane across the Green Hills to Kings Highway to Jamaica.

Sandford Street is now Bayard Street.

Schols Street is now Scholes Street.

Schuyler Street replaced by Atlantic Avenue.

Second Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Wythe Avenue.

Second Street, Bushwick, is now part of Meserole Avenue.

Second Street, Greenpoint, later Orchard Street, is now part of Manhattan Avenue.

Seventh Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Havemeyer Street.

Seventh Street, Greenpoint, is now Diamond Street.

Sixth Street, Williamsburgh, is now Roebling Street.

Sixth Street, Greenpoint, is now Newell Street.

Skillman Street is now Skillman Avenue.

Smith Avenue, formerly Wyckoff Street, is now part of Humboldt Street.

Smith Street is now part of Humboldt Street.

South Seventh Street is now part of Broadway.

South Sixth Street, above Bedford Avenue, is now part of Broadway.

Spring Terrace was on Meeker Avenue.

Spruce Street-see Agate Street.

Swaaten Fly was the marshy ground on the junction of North Second and Eighth Streets.

Tenth Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Keap Street.

Thames Street from Varick Avenue to Newtown Creek is now Thomas Street.

Third Street, Williamsburgh, is now Berry Street.,

Third Street, Greenpoint, is now part of Leonard Street.

Third Street, Bushwick, later Union Street, then Norman Street, is now Norman Avenue.

Townsend Row was near Ann Street (present Cross Street).

Twelfth Street, Williamsburgh, is now part of Hewes Street.

Union Avenue, Greenpoint, later Union Place, is now part of Manhattan Avenue.

Union Place, formerly Union Avenue, Greenpoint, is now part of Manhattan Avenue.

Union Street, formerly Third Street, Bushwick, then Norman Street, is now Norman Avenue.

Van Cott Street, or Avenue, ran from Leonard Street to Meeker Avenue, is now part of Driggs Avenue.

Vanderveer Street, or Avenue, is now part of Eastern Parkway extension.

Van Pelt Avenue is now Engert Avenue.

Van Ranst Street, from river shore to Walter Street, between Grand and North First Streets.

Van Voorhies Street is now part of Decatur Street.

Vigelius Street, formerly John Street, is now part ,of Jefferson Avenue.

Wall Street is now Arion Place.

Walloon Street is now Wallock Street.

Walter Street, later Water Street, now River Street.

Washington Place was on east side of South Sixth Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets.

Washington Street, Bowronville, is now Bremen Street.

Washington Street, Greenpoint, is now West Street.

Washington Street, Bushwick Green, is now Hausman Street.

Washington Street, Bushwick Cross Roads, from Remsen Street to Grand Street, between Jefferson and Waterbury Streets, later Lafayette Street, is now La Grange Street.

Washington Street, Williamsburgh, later Dunham Street, now lower part of Grand Street.

Water Street ran from Wallabout Bridge to Williamsburg ferry, replaced by Kent Avenue, part ran

later from South First Street to North Third Street; remnant left is present River Street.

Wesley Place was on east side of South Second Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets.

Williamsburgh and Cypress Hills Plank Road is now part of Johnson Avenue and Cypress Avenue.

Williamsburgh Road. A part of this road was incorporated in Kent Avenue and another part became Hospital Lane.

William Street, Bushwick, is now Monitor Street.

William Street, Bowronville, is now Aberdeen Street.

Williams Row was on (old) Madison Street, on present Troutman Street.

Witherspoon Street is now Vernon Avenue.

Woodhull Street, former Bushwick Street, later North Second Street, is now part of Metropolitan Avenue.

Woodpoint Road, or Old Road, ran from Bushwick village to Newtown Creek, near Franklin and Green Streets. A branch led to Norman's Kill.

Wyckoff Street, Bushwick Green, later Smith Avenue, is now part of Humboldt Street.

Wyckoff Street, Bushwick Cross-Roads, is now Ten Eyck Street.

Yates Avenue is now Sumner Avenue.

Yates Place, formerly Charles Place, is now Sumner Place.

Franklin Street, Bushwick Green, near Graham Avenue.

Peck Slip Road, in Wallabout section, leading to ferry.

Jamaica Road, or Turnpike, Brooklyn, later Fulton Avenue, now part of Fulton Street.

Carsville, Malboneville and Weeksville, neighborhoods in Bedford.

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